Dirty Pair Flash 3 Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

Dirty Pair Flash 3 Review
ダーティペアFLASH 3
Dirty Pair Flash OVA 3

Dirty Pair Flash: Random Angels

Since the Community Anime Reviews site is all but dead, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

–> Buy Dirty Pair Flash 3 DVD Collection on Amazon.com!

Community Anime Review of Dirty Pair Flash OVA 3

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 03-Nov-2003.)

I think they only did this one for fan service. There’s no story arc, just five stand alone episodes which mostly have Yuri and Kei in various fan service moments. So if you’ve dreamed of seeing the two nude and have a DVD player, you are in luck. Otherwise, the numerous skimpy clothing scenes will have to suffice.

Dirty Pair Flash 3

The individual stories, while not totally boring, are pointless. They serve as tools for the fan service. While the final episode doesn’t have the what most people know as fan service, it does have the other type of fan service — plenty of explosions, a large “cool” ship, a cool “mecha”, etc.

Dirty Pair Flash 3

Selling sex was all this OAV seemed to be about. Thanks to this series, my impression of Yuri is that she is a girl who would have sex with 50 men at once providing they were extremely rich. This seems like an ideal date for her. Man, have I ever become sick of her constant whining about dates!

Dirty Pair Flash 3

But beyond the sexual connotations with Yuri and Kei, in the final episode, the way the scene between Poporo (the boss) and his grade school daughter was animated smacked highly of lolicon sex. If you didn’t know what was being said, you could get suggestions that maybe this little girl was possibly attempting to seduce this man. Plus, why was Poporo’s daughter white? He’s a black man for crying out loud. I don’t know what was going on there, but while the script was non-suggestive, for some reason the visual aspects were to me.

Dirty Pair Flash 3

There was one neat thing though. For a couple of brief scenes, Yuri wears the old gold-yellow costume worn by the Yuri of the original Dirty Pair. That was the one shining moment for me.

Dirty Pair Flash 3

Bottom Line

Unless you are desperate for fan service, skip Dirty Pair Flash 3 and watch something better.

Dirty Pair Flash 3

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